mardi 19 septembre 2023 – 18:30 Passé


Farel culture

Vaillo+Irigaray Architects

Farelhaus / Maison Farel - Biel/Bienne


Le Forum de l’Architecture Bienne est une plateforme au service du débat architectural contemporain. Le Forum désire établir le dialogue entre architectes, planificateurs et autres personnes intéressées, afin d’intensifier la réflexion autour de l’architecture et de la porter à un plus

large public.

Vaillo+Irigaray Architects, Pamplona, ES

Conference language: English

Supported by: Stadt Biel Direktion Bau, Energie und Umwelt + Hochbau

Working method in the office is based on the concept of project strategy, which embraces the widest range of

possible scales, from a simple bench to the whole city. It proposes a creative process that will develop founding

concepts to be equally applied to management, procedures and design. Vaillo+Irigaray Architects conceive

design from a multifocal perspective, so they deal with matters from diverse points of view to contribute unifying

solutions. Our source of inspiration is the project itself: the client, function, program, financial resources… are just

raw materials to creativity.

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Détails Site Itinéraire

Farelhaus / Maison Farel

Oberer Quai 12 – Quai du haut 12

2502 Biel/Bienne